Saturday, May 3, 2008

Keeping E-commerce New

The busy season hit hard this year, almost overwhelming really. There was a tsunami of orders and we are now just able to breathe again. March was a record month, and we usually don't peak until June, so more record months are ahead. It has been both rewarding and frustrating as unplanned business stretches resources, while you think it should just pad the bank account. Not to mention poor tax and retirement planning, and preparing to launch our most expensive product yet, has made the extra cash flow barely enough.

There were times when the reality of obtaining my goals, which once seemed like a pipe dream, now left me feeling beat up, like when I was a corporate clone. I remember the line in Broadcast News when William Hurt says' What do you do when your real life exceeds your dreams?' The answer 'keep it to yourself.'

The problem with the onslaught of business is, it takes me away from working on the website, creating new features, or promotions, that have never been done before. And creating is really what I like best. Packing, shipping, ordering, all feels like work to me, while it pays the rent, creating builds the house.

In other words creating is really what sets your business apart. That is why I never got excited about cookie cutter online businesses that drop ship products, with pre-designed websites. I want to stand apart, even if it means I won't ever get the 'four hour workweel', or 'Rich Dad' bank accounts. Boredom is the enemy of life, and creation is source of it. What does one do for the other hours of the day if everything is on auto-pilot? For me e-commerce is a game, and if you just build a system that can always win it, then where is the fun? You are done.

Drop ship schemes, have replaced Amway and Shaklee, or at the least provided another get rich quick scheme. The pitches always sound romantic, thousands of people are making thousands of dollars working from their home in their spare time. And I am sure there are people doing just that. I knew one successful Shaklee distributor and she was a very nice and sincere person.

But stamping something with your own personal thumb print is the draw that gets me out of bed every morning. I have more than doubled my income, and I could easily take off more time, and I plan to some day. But do the idle rich really seem that happy? Isn't there really more to life then planning your next vacation, or soaking up your next Mai-Tai, it is fun for a week, but an unending supply of that?

One day I am sure, I will pass off much of the responsibility of my successful venture, but am equally as sure I will have something there to replace it. Something else to build, to create, to put on it a stamp of my own.

So if you are finding your online business a drag, take time out to create anew. A new product line, a new sales page, new copy, new info pages. Try a different marketing tact. Put a personal stake into your business, you will find those juices that brought you to this game refreshed and ready to take you further down the road of online success.

Ecommerce Can Changed Our Lives

It just seems like we never lived without the internet, and as young as a lot of our readers are, some of us never have. On a daily basis our lives are intertwined with wireless devices and voiceless communication; while we curse it at times, it's here to stay and has had the most profound impact on planet earth that we'll probably see in our lifetimes. In addition to the many useful ways the internet has brought us all together, one facet of it has more than we actually realize at times, and that's how E-commerce has changed economies and broadened the horizons of some cultures, and both at once.

Do you remember the first time you bought something over the internet? I think I do; it was some fake sunglasses I bought online from a vendor that swore that they were authentic. I guess I'd have to agree; they were authentic sunglasses, in the broad sense. But that was a long time ago and for many of us, our reluctance to trust an online vendor has diminished. Take stock quickly. What types of merchandise do you look for and buy online? Do you find yourself getting excited about products that come from other countries? Do you seek out exotic products because they are from other countries. I guess, that's the greatest thing about E-commerce that has come about in the last three to five years. We're acquiring goods from other places that we couldn't get before, and may not have even known existed; and vice-versa, domestic products are finding their way into the mainstream in other countries that maybe were unattainable not too long ago. All of this trade is great and it does get better. As the marketplace gets bigger, competition gets tougher, and competition is always a good thing for the consumer. We like it because we have more companies competing for our business. Businesses like it because it brings mass awareness to their industry, brand and companies.

With all this trade, the banking industry hasn't been left in the dust. In fact they're stepping up their game in ways that make merchants and consumers lives easier. Today, merchants have a lot more options when it comes to their money, customers and the banks which fall in the middle. Something interesting has been happening in the banking industry over the last couple years and it's affecting the global economy every bit as much as the internet changed the hard goods marketplace. Today, consumers are statistically safer making online transactions versus in-person purchases locally. Why is this? It's simple, there's little paper trail and your personal card information is trusted by professionals that are either bonded, work for reputable banks own or are affiliated with processing or merchant service companies.

Merchants don't have or need to choose a domestic bank anymore. Whether your business is based in Columbia or the District of Columbia, you can choose a bank anywhere in the world to handle your online credit card transactions; and it's just like shopping for a handbag made in Peru that can be obtained easier, cheaper and with better services many times. And that's how the internet has helped to change the banking industry. A major factor in this is that domestic (or US) banks generally leer at E-commerce or internet based businesses as fleeting and high risk. In turn, they assess high rates and stricter guidelines to these businesses, many of which cannot be met, due solely to the type of business that the operator is running. Many of these merchants have looked internationally to banks that can offer them the services they needed and with less hassles. Long gone are the days of the scoffed upon off-shore banking industry. In fact, today when it comes to many of the products you buy online; that merchant is being funded by a non-domestic or off-shore bank. And there's nothing wrong with it. It's almost seems as though the US hasn't kept up with the times, but that will have to change if we want to be competitive. International banks specialize in multi-currency processing and reside in countries that need and benefit from an influx of money and goods are aggressive and have a lot less restrictions on the types of businesses they process for. In a way, the internet has revolutionized the banking industry in the same ways it impacted retail and wholesale, for that matter. If you're an online merchant, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to check out online merchant service providers to see how they can make your business more efficient and profitable.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Security Concerns in Ecommerce Hosting

These days, compliance with the industry's security practices is one of the most significant concerns regarding ecommerce hosting. In the year 2004, an association of credit card providers developed the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards. While they were at first only recommendations for keeping consumers' personal information secure, they now have the force of contract in most merchant agreements. And since customers are more willing to deal with a company which protects their credit information, these guidelines are helpful to everyone involved.

Today's standards are comprised of twelve main regulations, each divided into numerous sub-regulations. These range from technology guidelines to carefully defined administrative practices. One of the technology regulations involves the encryption of information during its storage and transmittal. A firm must also maintain control over both physical and digital access to the information.

PCI standards should be followed by any company that processes, transmits or stores credit card information. For smaller companies, this is not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. To assist them, there are many PCI-compliant ecommerce solutions available to them and range from online shopping cart software to ecommerce hosting. These options insure PCI compliance and take the burden off of the sellers and allow them to focus more on making sales.

Ecommerce hosting ratings can be found at opinion sites throughout the Web. However, an opinion from an unknown is no guarantee of satisfaction; you need solid references as well. You will be doing business with them for a long time. Is your hosting provider PCI-compliant? Are they trustworthy? Do they have a good reputation? Demand and check references.

While security is certainly a major factor to consider when looking at ecommerce hosting, you should also check out the other benefits ecommerce solutions have to offer. Hosting firms often pair up with their clients to offer online shopping cart software too. It is extremely helpful if your hosting provider has software expertise, since this can often result in better technical support for you. In the end, that means your site will be down less often and your customers will find their shopping experience a more comfortable one.

Starting an ecommerce business that makes money is not simple. It is easy to obsess over the interesting side of things, choosing what you will sell and how you will advertise. However, far more important to most people is the understanding their information is secure from prying eyes. Similarly, you have obligations enabling continued use of credit cards.

Compare Storefront with Web

Having run both a storefront operation, and now an e-commerce business site, I can't help but compare how the two have very similar practices that determine success:

1. Location VS Search Engine Status

People need to find your business! In retail when you choose a storefront location you look for a space that will draw traffic into your store. A mall is often a great location because people love to find parking and enjoy shopping variety.

A web-based business also needs high visibility. If your site never makes it above page 10 in any of the search engines, you cannot generate the traffic that you anticipate to make your sales. Placing ads or banners on your site will help a lot to improve the number of visitors.

2. Merchandising VS Web Design

The product you are selling needs to attract attention. When you create a window display it is for the purpose of drawing a person into the store for a closer look. You do not keep the display the same week after week or people get bored and stop coming in.

The same is true in web design. The more attractive the presentation, the more likely the people will spend their time in looking through it. There are many web masters out there who do a great job in design, but now you can buy great software programs to assist you in designing your own. There is also the option of searching online for templates that you can download, ready to drop into your domain. You still need to keep things new and exciting by doing changes to keep people interested. Add a seasonal or holiday banner, vary some widgets, or introduce some flash. Moving things around your pages will keep people coming back for another look.

3. Advertising VS Marketing

This is really the same for both types of business. People visit your store, or your web because they hear about you from somewhere. Locally, people place ads in a newspaper, while the online company is more likely to depend on search engines like Google or Yahoo to help people find their site. No matter what method of advertising you use, check your costs carefully and analyze the results you get to be sure that you are spending your dollars wisely. Don't forget the power of a sale to draw your customers. People everywhere love a bargain.

The final word is that no matter if you choose to run your business from a storefront, or from a web page, it will take the equal amount of dedication to hard work and effort for it to be successful. The difference is that when you place your products on the internet, your customers can come from around the world, and that is a very BIG market!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Competitive Reviews On Ecommerce Hosting And Services

With the turn of the century, ecommerce hosting markets have become highly competitive. Many ecommerce hosting companies offer website hosting with similar features and at similar prices. The potential customer can choose from a variety of ecommerce providers. The customer may be influenced to sign an agreement with the ecommerce hosting company solely based on the presentation and advertising strategy used without evaluating the reliability and quality of the firm. For this reason, a large number of experts, critics, and users provide ecommerce reviews. A review refers to the critical evaluation of product information, performance, and price. Ecommerce hosting reviews reexamine the salient features of various ecommerce hosts offered by companies and provide the buyer with a systematic guide for choosing which host is best for him.

Ecommerce hosting reviews compare the service offered by various companies for sale. Important aspects such as facilities offered, affordability and features that differentiate one company from another are covered. Reviews also provide information related to the service they offer to clients for technical support and website maintenance. Ecommerce hosting reviews also cover important aspects such as security, space, speed, uptime, and email services provided by the hosting service. Quality reviews may also provide readers with additional information such as control panel navigation, software availability, FTP services, and access to server logs and errors. Some reviews may also provide a rating for a select few ecommerce hosting providers to indicate their relative merit. The ratings when compared allow the customer to make the right choice and finally approach the company for service. Ecommerce hosting reviews only evaluate the performance of authorized and licensed hosting companies. The reviews also offer details of contact information of the hosting provider along with the pricing of different packages offered by them.

Ecommerce hosting reviews are easily available online on websites and in related magazines and journals. Reviews are not always reliable. Some ecommerce hosting reviews are biased and offer one-sided evaluations of the service.

Significant Security Concerns In Ecommerce Hosting

These days, compliance with the industry's security practices is one of the most significant concerns regarding ecommerce hosting. In the year 2004, an association of credit card providers developed the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards. While they were at first only recommendations for keeping consumers' personal information secure, they now have the force of contract in most merchant agreements. And since customers are more willing to deal with a company which protects their credit information, these guidelines are helpful to everyone involved.

Today's standards are comprised of twelve main regulations, each divided into numerous sub-regulations. These range from technology guidelines to carefully defined administrative practices. One of the technology regulations involves the encryption of information during its storage and transmittal. A firm must also maintain control over both physical and digital access to the information.

PCI standards should be followed by any company that processes, transmits or stores credit card information. For smaller companies, this is not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. To assist them, there are many PCI-compliant ecommerce solutions available to them and range from online shopping cart software to ecommerce hosting. These options insure PCI compliance and take the burden off of the sellers and allow them to focus more on making sales.

Ecommerce hosting ratings can be found at opinion sites throughout the Web. However, an opinion from an unknown is no guarantee of satisfaction; you need solid references as well. You will be doing business with them for a long time. Is your hosting provider PCI-compliant? Are they trustworthy? Do they have a good reputation? Demand and check references.

While security is certainly a major factor to consider when looking at ecommerce hosting, you should also check out the other benefits ecommerce solutions have to offer. Hosting firms often pair up with their clients to offer online shopping cart software too. It is extremely helpful if your hosting provider has software expertise, since this can often result in better technical support for you. In the end, that means your site will be down less often and your customers will find their shopping experience a more comfortable one.

Starting an ecommerce business that makes money is not simple. It is easy to obsess over the interesting side of things, choosing what you will sell and how you will advertise. However, far more important to most people is the understanding their information is secure from prying eyes. Similarly, you have obligations enabling continued use of credit cards.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Security Concerns Regarding Ecommerce Hosting

These days, compliance with the industry's security practices is one of the most significant concerns regarding ecommerce hosting. In the year 2004, an association of credit card providers developed the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards. While they were at first only recommendations for keeping consumers' personal information secure, they now have the force of contract in most merchant agreements. And since customers are more willing to deal with a company which protects their credit information, these guidelines are helpful to everyone involved.

Today's standards are comprised of twelve main regulations, each divided into numerous sub-regulations. These range from technology guidelines to carefully defined administrative practices. One of the technology regulations involves the encryption of information during its storage and transmittal. A firm must also maintain control over both physical and digital access to the information.

PCI standards should be followed by any company that processes, transmits or stores credit card information. For smaller companies, this is not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. To assist them, there are many PCI-compliant ecommerce solutions available to them and range from online shopping cart software to ecommerce hosting. These options insure PCI compliance and take the burden off of the sellers and allow them to focus more on making sales.

Ecommerce hosting ratings can be found at opinion sites throughout the Web. However, an opinion from an unknown is no guarantee of satisfaction; you need solid references as well. You will be doing business with them for a long time. Is your hosting provider PCI-compliant? Are they trustworthy? Do they have a good reputation? Demand and check references.

While security is certainly a major factor to consider when looking at ecommerce hosting, you should also check out the other benefits ecommerce solutions have to offer. Hosting firms often pair up with their clients to offer online shopping cart software too. It is extremely helpful if your hosting provider has software expertise, since this can often result in better technical support for you. In the end, that means your site will be down less often and your customers will find their shopping experience a more comfortable one.

Starting an ecommerce business that makes money is not simple. It is easy to obsess over the interesting side of things, choosing what you will sell and how you will advertise. However, far more important to most people is the understanding their information is secure from prying eyes. Similarly, you have obligations enabling continued use of credit cards.

Complying with industry security practices is an important topic in ecommerce hosting. In order to safeguard private consumer data, a consortium of credit card companies created the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards in 2004. In order to aid smaller companies, there are many ecommerce solutions to help them get started in the right direction. These solutions make online shopping cart software secure and safe for customers. This is why running stores on the web can be difficult; it's easy to focus on product selection but often times security needs to be an object of focus as well.

Competitive Ecommerce Hosting And Reviews

With the turn of the century, ecommerce hosting markets have become highly competitive. Many ecommerce hosting companies offer website hosting with similar features and at similar prices. The potential customer can choose from a variety of ecommerce providers. The customer may be influenced to sign an agreement with the ecommerce hosting company solely based on the presentation and advertising strategy used without evaluating the reliability and quality of the firm. For this reason, a large number of experts, critics, and users provide ecommerce reviews. A review refers to the critical evaluation of product information, performance, and price. Ecommerce hosting reviews reexamine the salient features of various ecommerce hosts offered by companies and provide the buyer with a systematic guide for choosing which host is best for him.

Ecommerce hosting reviews compare the service offered by various companies for sale. Important aspects such as facilities offered, affordability and features that differentiate one company from another are covered. Reviews also provide information related to the service they offer to clients for technical support and website maintenance. Ecommerce hosting reviews also cover important aspects such as security, space, speed, uptime, and email services provided by the hosting service. Quality reviews may also provide readers with additional information such as control panel navigation, software availability, FTP services, and access to server logs and errors. Some reviews may also provide a rating for a select few ecommerce hosting providers to indicate their relative merit. The ratings when compared allow the customer to make the right choice and finally approach the company for service. Ecommerce hosting reviews only evaluate the performance of authorized and licensed hosting companies. The reviews also offer details of contact information of the hosting provider along with the pricing of different packages offered by them.

Ecommerce hosting reviews are easily available online on websites and in related magazines and journals. Reviews are not always reliable. Some ecommerce hosting reviews are biased and offer one-sided evaluations of the service.